Thursday, March 26, 2009

What are some acting things that i can do over the summer????

what are some acting things that i can do over the summer? i dont have any idea what to do... i thought about getting my friends and cuzins together and having a little play at the house for the family to see how that works out but i need more than that.... i found this thing at school for acting and the arts and stuff like that, you do the workshops for 5 days then you go to a festival adn perform and participate. would that be good and tell me anything else that i can do over the summer to get acting experience and to build up a acting resume%26#039; for talent agencies. thanks
What are some acting things that i can do over the summer????
All of that sounds great. I love it when my nieces and my son put on a play for us. Definitely take the camp, it%26#039;s great experience, you meet lots of interesting people, and you%26#039;ll get experience performing.

Otherwise, take voice and dancing lesson. Practice, practice, practice. Play around with different voices and faces.

Good luck!
What are some acting things that i can do over the summer????
It is way late to be thinking about it, but mayabe something will still be open. the play with friends is not good for the resume, the stuff at the school for acting would be. That is simple. There are summer acting camps that have sessions all summer long. You could try them. But it is LATE. Best wishes, Doc

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